

Nicolás Maduro: Without economic attacks, Venezuela would have achieved the objectives of the Homeland Plan

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic
Presidential press

Published at: 15/01/2024 02:12 PM

If the economic attacks of imperialism against our country had not occurred, Venezuela would have fully fulfilled and achieved the objectives of the Homeland Plan and were a power, said the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro.

“We should review the variables of growth, investment, labor and social rights that our country achieved, well above the vast majority of the peoples of Latin and South America. That's why they launched the attacks, to stop our model, to hurt it and stop our growth. They were not going to allow an anti-imperialist Latin American country to demonstrate that an alternative model to capitalism can be built,” said the Head of State in the presentation of his Annual Message to the National Assembly.

In this regard, he explained that thanks to the development of a detailed plan, developed by the National Government, a specific agenda was launched that made it possible to achieve 12 important goals for the transition to 2023.

“In addition to these 12 goals, we have achieved a super objective with which we face this new year victorious. We have achieved the formation of a great national scheme that allowed us to advance in the priority and urgent dimensions of the Homeland,” he said.

In this regard, he assured that 2023 was a “hinge” year in which it was possible to “close cycles” to correct and restart economic processes for the country's well-being.

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