

Nicolás Maduro: We have a perfect civic military police union to comply with the Homeland Plan

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 06/05/2024 01:38 PM

Venezuela has a perfect civic military police union to advance the construction of the country established in the Homeland Plan, said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

“We have experiences, teams, the People, the perfect civic military police union and God with us,” said the Head of State during a working meeting with the governors, mayors and godparents of the different regions of the country.

In this regard, President Maduro called on the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), and especially the cadets who are being trained as future officers of the military institution, to prepare themselves so that, in the coming years, they will be the ones who will assume the reins of the country.

“It will be your turn to direct the destinies of the Homeland when 2054 arrives and this town, on July 28, comes out to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the giant Hugo Chávez Frías,” he said, while calling on the FANB cadets who are now trained to be persistent and keep their history “without a stain”.

In this regard, he invited them to go to the streets to learn first-hand about the struggles and sorrows of the People.

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