

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 04/03/2024 01:26 PM

The country's youth have been the ones who have received “the direct blow” of the sanctions, blockade and attacks of imperialism and the right against our nation, said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

“This was the generation that grew up on the guarimbas of 2014, of 2017, the crimes committed by Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, La Machado and all their accomplices. But with this, they have not taken away from young people their right to happiness, to smile, to the future,” emphasized the Head of State during a meeting with the expanded political high command.

The president also stressed that in this context all revolutionary militancy has the obligation to be the greatest force for transformation in Venezuela. “That's not just anything,” he emphasized, while stressing that there are currently five generations working for the Revolution.

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