

Nelson Mandela: Giant of Peoples Struggling Against Imperialism and Segregation (+Christmas)

Today, 106 years after the birth of this leader, the peoples of the world raise the flags of struggle of this revolutionary, who despite the attempts of the imperialist media apparatuses, remains an image of rebellion against imperialism

Published at: 18/07/2024 08:00 AM

On July 18, 1918, in the town of Mvenzo in the South African Union, the leader of the revolution against colonialist racial segregation, Nelson Mandela, a giant of peoples who never succumbed to his struggle to achieve the liberation of his people and the end of imperial colonialism in his homeland, was born.

“Madiba”, as he was baptized by his people, grew up in the midst of the apartheid regime that the British Empire implanted in its African colonies in order to guarantee the “purity” and supremacy of the colonists, subjugating to misery an immense majority of the original inhabitants of this land, who were condemned to this regime of death and segregation because of their skin color.

His battle against imperial forces and his affinity with communist ideas made him the victim of relentless persecution by the repressive apparatuses of the British Empire, as well as of the monitoring and surveillance of the CIA, after the United States declared him a “terrorist”, led to his imprisonment and sentence to life imprisonment, of which he was held captive for 27 years.

During these years, Mandela was tortured and subjected to prolonged isolation, under the silence of the major media and European and North American governments, who saw in the figure of Madiba a subversive who threatened their hegemony.

As a result of pressure from the South African people and the erosion of the colonialist regime achieved as a result of the support of the European socialist block, the Soviet Union and Cuba, which came to participate in the battlefield and train libertarian forces in Angola, led to the liberation of Mandela on February 11, 1990.

In freedom, he undertook a campaign aimed at achieving the end of apartheid and elections that were held in 1994, in which his party, the African National Congress (ANC), was the winner, thus becoming the first president of African origin to have been elected by vote in South Africa.

After having held the presidency for five years and embarking on a policy of dismantling the inherited segregationist state apparatus, Mandela leaves power and dedicates himself to the task of consolidating his party, which under his leadership became the largest political force in South Africa, which today continues to exercise control of the country.

Madiba died on December 5, 2013, and today, 106 years after the birth of this leader, the peoples of the world raise the flags of struggle of this revolutionary, who despite the attempts of the imperialist media apparatuses, remains an image of rebellion against imperialism.

“Difficulties break some men but they also create others.”

Nelson Mandela

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