

Negra Hipólita: Example of surrender and sublime love (+seeding)

In honor of the nurse of El Libertador, the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez, created the Black Mission Hipolita in 2006

Published at: 25/06/2024 08:10 AM

189 years have passed since the planting of one of the most important women in the life of El Libertador Simón Bolívar, a fighter who assumed with absolute dedication the responsibility of being the nurse of the Father of the Fatherland; she was responsible for breastfeeding him after the illness experienced by his mother, María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco. Since then, she considered him a son, transmitting all her warmth and maternal love to him.

On June 25, 1835, at 72 years of age, Hipolita died, who fully assumed the role of Bolívar's mother after the death of her father, when he was 9 years old, a facet in which Negra Matea also participated.

“I am sending you a letter from my mother Hipólita, so that you can give her everything she wants; so that you can do for her as if she were your mother, her milk has nourished my life and I have never met any other father than her”, so Bolívar revealed part of the feeling that united him to his second mother, in a letter he wrote to his sister María Antonia.

In honor of the nurse of El Libertador, the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez, created the Black Hipolita Mission in 2006, which is dedicated to providing special attention to people with illnesses, addiction problems and psychiatric pathologies, through actions aimed at medical care and comprehensive training of citizens.

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