

National Surgical Plan reaches Guasipati in Bolívar with more than 200 interventions

Sterilizations, braces, lipomas, nevus, inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia are some of the surgical interventions that will be performed in the plan
Roscio Mayor's Office Press

Published at: 26/03/2024 12:08 PM

From March 25 to 29, the Bolivarian Government, together with the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), develops the National Surgical Plan at the Edwin Lailow “Titico” Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI) in Guasipati, Roscio municipality, Bolivar state, with the intervention of more than 200 patients.

Sterilizations, braces, lipomas, nevus, inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia are some of the surgical interventions that will be performed in the plan. These operations are made possible by a team composed of more than 15 specialist doctors and more than 20 highly trained nurses, who have played a crucial role in the successful execution of these medical tasks.

The mayor of the Roscio municipality, Wuihelm Torrellas, reported that they have received a significant donation of medical supplies for the National Surgical Plan from President Nicolás Maduro, through Governor Ángel Marcano.

He also referred to the upcoming inauguration of the operating room of the Edwin Lailow “Titico” Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI), which is now ready. This important work could be carried out thanks to the policies of the head of state and the hard work of the workers and professionals who daily confirm their commitment, dedication and mysticism so that the people of the Roscio municipality can receive the care they deserve in terms of health.

Torrellas indicated that the CDI has experienced significant improvements during a month of work and investment. These improvements include the waterproofing of the main plate, the general internal and external painting, the repair of all internal and external lighting, the optimization of the hospitalization rooms and the intensive care room, as well as the total air conditioning of the spaces. In addition, all services have been activated, the kitchen and dining area has been improved and equipped, and the entire energy backup system has been repaired, among other things.