

National President: Venezuela registers significant growth in tourist activity

Tourism, “has grown dramatically,” said President Maduro

Published at: 22/01/2024 09:52 PM

Venezuela has registered significant growth in its tourism activity, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, said that during the month of December 2023, nearly 15 million Venezuelans were mobilized.

In this regard, he stressed that domestic tourism “has grown dramatically”, since only the state of La Guaira, during the holiday season, received almost one million and a half thousand people.

In his program “Con Maduro+ “, broadcast from the state of La Guaira, in its 31st broadcast, he announced that this coastal entity is refining its preparations to receive a large number of seasoners during the next Carnival.

For his part, the governor of the state of La Guaira, José Alejandro Terán, said that he has been preparing well in advance both in the field of security, accommodation and with regard to mass events.

He announced that for Carnival 2024 there will be concerts, parades of troupes and floats, as well as cultural, sports and recreational festivals on beaches, rivers and spas.

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