

National President: Sectorial Base Committees ensure that policies reach the territory

Actions must prioritize “women because today they have social and communal leadership,” said the head of state

Published at: 11/04/2024 06:46 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, said that for all progress in Venezuela it is essential and central to create the new, “we have to permanently renew ourselves and take on new challenges.”

For this reason, she highlighted the importance of Sectorial Base Committees, since they make it possible for every vertex and planned action of the Great Venezuela Women's Mission to “reach the territory to protect and support those who need it, prioritizing women, because today they have social and communal leadership.”

“More than 70% of the democratically elected spokeswomen of all the country's Municipal Councils, more than 80% of the street and community leaders are women, more than 80% of the CLAP are led by women in each community,” she stressed.

He stressed that this premise was what prompted him to launch the first next-generation Great Mission for women: the Great Venezuela Women's Mission, with seven vertices and today we come to work on vertex number 5: “Protagonist and participatory women”.

The approach was made during the event on the occasion of the launch of the Great Movement of Women's Movements “Josefa Joaquina Sánchez”.

“We have advanced to vertex number 5: “Protagonist and participatory women”, with the Josefa Joaquina Sánchez Movement of Movements to organize itself at the territorial level through the Grassroots Committees for the empowerment, protection and defense of women in the community,” she said.

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