

National President: Respect, because this People will take to the streets to defend Peace!

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press Photo

Published at: 04/02/2024 02:08 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, asked the opposition sectors that represent surnames in Venezuela to “respect”; and he warned the people that under any circumstances “we are going to the streets to defend peace and to triumph on the path of peace”.

In that sense, during the reception of the Great National Caravan of Bolivarian Fury, he reaffirmed that revolutionary forces will always work to win elections.

He also emphasized that only with the Bolivarian Revolution will we be able to persevere on the path of Venezuela's comprehensive recovery. “We must defend the right to peace, to tranquility, to work in order to continue following our own path of building a new economic model, new, not dependent, that meets the needs of the people,” he said.

In this way, he reaffirmed that “we are moving towards a goal, the full liberation of the productive forces, the development of the new productive model, the generation of wealth and what is the center and objective of our lives, the full recovery of the state and social welfare that Commander (Hugo) Chávez left us, through the system of missions and great missions”.

He stressed that this year it is scheduled to launch new major missions, to continue advancing on that path. In turn, he indicated that the next one will be released on February 16, which will be called “Viva Venezuela Mi Patria Querida”, which will aim to rescue the country's cultural and musical values.

At the same time, he indicated that on March 5, as part of Commander Chávez's planting, he will launch the great Social Justice Equality Mission Hugo Chávez, to protect “women, grandparents and grandmothers, to protect the people most in need.”

In addition, he recalled that in line with this launch of new missions, in 2019 the first one emerged, “the Great Venezuela Bella Mission, to recover cities, squares, public places (...) then to protect those who were hit the most by criminal sanctions, by the economic war and I launched last year the Great Venezuela Women's Mission (...) and this year, on Friday, the Great Venezuela Youth Mission to serve 5 millions 300 thousand young people”.

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