

National president provided funding to support projects in 2,500 communities

To grant these loans to the most needy sectors, “CrediVida was born”, announced the head of state

Published at: 11/06/2024 09:26 PM

In the context of the Great Equality and Social Justice Mission “Hugo Chávez”, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reported on the provision of funding for 2,500 communities.

He specified that the Bolivarian Government allocated these resources to support the economic and social undertakings of the most vulnerable population, during its radio program “With Maduro de Repente”.

He also announced that in order to grant these loans to the most needy sectors, “CrediVida was born, a new financing program that accompanies CrediMujer, CrediJoven and the Bank of Venezuela's Entrepreneurship Plan.”

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