

National president orders to prepare a proposal to strengthen the family nucleus

“We must consult with specialists about the impact of new technologies on children and adolescents,” he stressed
Presidential Press

Published at: 22/05/2024 06:46 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, ordered his work team to draw up a proposal to define actions to strengthen the family nucleus, as well as the education of boys, girls and young people “in the face of the threat of anti-values, promoted by the neoliberal capitalist culture”, which must be ready within 10 days.

During the assessment of the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (Bricomiles), the head of state denounced the dangers of isolation of the generation linked to technologies, which is evident in some countries in Europe and North America where youth have lost themselves in anti-values and drug addiction.

“We must consult with specialists the impact of new technologies on children and adolescents,” stressed the National President in the face of the decline and anti-values in some societies and social networks.

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