

National President: No one will take this rebellious, patriotic and warrior people out of Miraflores

“They dominated and repressed, until the people said: enough of the oligarchy, enough of the last name,” said President Maduro

Published at: 02/02/2024 06:58 PM

“No one will remove this rebellious, patriotic and warrior people from Miraflores,” said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

He argued that “the parasitic bourgeoisie, heir to the landowning oligarchy, governed, ruled, dominated and repressed until the people said: enough of the oligarchy, enough of last names”.

“Tremble oligarchs! , now it's the people's turn, now it's Chávez's turn and we had that great victory,” he recalled from the Caracas Polyhedron, where he led the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution and the launch of the Great Young Venezuela Mission.

He recalled that the command of the “surnames, of those who plundered Venezuela, from the fourth Republic, from 1830 to 1998.”

In this sense, he explained that this looting was perpetrated by “the anti-Bolivarian Republic, imposed by the betrayal and dissolution of the original project, imposed by the landowning oligarchy then and then by the parasitic bourgeoisie heir, as Bolívar and Ali Primera said in their song, of the landowning oligarchy, heir to European colonialism”,

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