

National President: New Economy Will Recover and Rebuild the People's Social and Labor Rights

“These three elements are essential to get organized now,” said the head of state

Published at: 06/05/2024 09:53 PM

Recovering and rebuilding the social and labor rights of the Venezuelan people is the objective of a new economy, stability and economic growth, as stated by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in the 44th broadcast of his television program “With Maduro+”.

He explained that the new economic model “achieves three fundamental balances with technical, monetary, commercial and productive capacity.”

When referring to these balances, he mentioned first of all, the growth of the real economy and the production of what the country requires.

Secondly, he indicated the balance of the exchange system for which it is necessary to “reposition the currency with a new exchange system”, and as a third element, the real slowdown in inflation.

“These three elements are essential to organize ourselves now, to regroup the economic model we are building,” he stressed.

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