

National President: Neither sanctions nor threats nor conspiracies nor traitors will stop economic growth

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 17/04/2024 06:56 PM

During his visit to the 1st Expo Venezuela Produce 2024, held in Araure, Portuguese state, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that neither threats nor conspiracies nor corrupt nor traitors can stop the country's economic growth.

Venezuela will become a major exporter of food from South America and the world. Write it down! Proof of this is the 97% growth in production for the first time in 120 years of dependent, predatory oil capitalism, as part of a neocolonial model of economy,” said the Head of State.

The National President pointed out that this is a first major step, of sovereignty and productive supply towards a higher stage as a direct consequence of the construction of “a virtuous local and regional circle”, on which he has emphasized in recent years.

“That means what I have been talking about, building a virtuous local and regional circle that is linked to a new, totally sovereign productive system, that does not depend on licenses from the gringos, because with our own efforts we have succeeded, we are recovering the country and we are building a new diversified economic model that, first of all, meets the country's internal needs and, secondly, exports, generates goods, services, wealth to the country, through sales abroad, taxes and let's go ourselves coupling the new productive society. An ethical productive economy,” he explained.

“They will be able to neither sanctions, nor threats, nor conspiracies, nor corrupt people, nor traitors,” said President Maduro, starting on Productive Wednesday at Expo Venezuela Produce 2024.

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