

National President: I am very aware of Táchira after the rains arrive

Program With Maduro Suddenly
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 11/06/2024 08:26 PM

President Nicolás Maduro said that he is “very aware of Táchira because I know the effects of the rain”.

In his radio program Con Maduro De Repente, the Head of State established a telephone contact with the governor of that entity, Freddy Bernal, who explained the situation, pointing out that yesterday there were two major floods of the Torbes River.

“Right now there's a big difference compared to when it rained years ago. In other times when the river flooded against communities and when people lost everything, there was no one to help them. Now we have a government. Thanks to the resources approved by the Bolivarian Government, construction began on a retaining wall in El Corozo and 240 families will be safe with it, not counting the highway and surrounding areas,” Bernal explained.

He added that there have been no serious damages in the state. “We are already prepared with Civil Protection and Disaster Management and CORPOTACHIRA in case of any contingency with the capacity to respond,” he said.

He also specified that 18 heavy machines are being repaired and to be used in river dredging.

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