

National President: Desculturization aimed at young people seeks to make them lose their historical memory

President Maduro invited young people and the people to keep alive the memory of the chiefs and chiefs of our history

Published at: 05/02/2024 06:36 PM

One of the objectives of the deculturation that “you are applying to the youth of Venezuela and the world, is that you don't care about the glorious history, you don't know it, you lose your historical memory”, the statement was made by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in the program “With Maduro +”, a special edition, dedicated to the youth of Venezuela.

He argued that despite these techniques, "Venezuela keeps its historical memory alive”.

“By losing historical memory, a person doesn't know where they come from, they don't know who they are, just as they can know what they want in life,” he argued.

For this reason, he invited young people and the Venezuelan people to keep alive the memory of the chiefs and chiefs as leaders of “our history, alive, present and let us know the history of Urimare, Chacao, Caricuao, Mara, Guaicaipura, alive, alive”.

On the mechanisms to achieve this deculturation, unlike the colony, “they are no longer brutal methods, but sometimes they are subtle methods that are more dangerous, what they call soft power, soft diplomacy”.

“They come from below, but they have the same objective: to erase our memory, our history,” he warned.

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