National President: Congress of the 5 Generations will begin a process of transformation of the country

The Movement of the 5 Generations was created to build a better future for the welfare of the People, said the head of state The Movement of the 5 Generations was created to build a better future for the welfare of the People, said the head of state
The Movement of the 5 Generations was created to build a better future for the welfare of the People, said the head of state
Freddy Ñáñez Telegram

Con El Mazo Dando en su programa 500

Published at: 09/09/2024 08:34 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, referring to the Congress of the 5 Generations, emphasized that “we have the responsibility to lead the country, so, through this congress, a process will begin that will remove the foundations and rethink everything that needs to be reconsidered.”

He highlighted that the Movement of the 5 Generations was created with the purpose of building a better future for the welfare of the People.

He also stressed that the Bolivarian agenda must be scientific, because “it is causing the transformations necessary for the Bolivarian Socialist and Christian Revolution of the 21st Century to be irreversible”,

During his program “With Maduro +”, in its 56th broadcast, the head of state announced the incorporation into the Congress of the 5 Generations of Adán Chávez and Héctor Rodríguez.

He recommended setting a goal that contemplates the construction of more than 6,000 communes in the country over the next four years.

On the subject, the coordinator of the 5 Generations Congress, Francisco Ameliach, assured that the Community Circuits play a leading role in the construction of a true Government Plan to achieve the integral well-being of the country.

For his part, the Sectorial Vice President of Planning, Ricardo Menéndez announced that a platform was designed to upload all the proposals made by the Congress of the 5 Generations.

He also pointed out that starting this Tuesday, September 10, the spaces for discussion of all communities will begin as protagonists of building a better future.

He explained that the debate process “that we have proposed for the Congress, is a direct debate, from the ground up, in spaces of encounter and consensus.”

“This week, the discussion begins in all communal spaces throughout the national territory,” he said.

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