

National President: China puts its advances at the service of Venezuela's development

President Maduro praised the importance of relations with the Asian giant
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 06/05/2024 09:50 PM

China has made gigantic advances and puts them at the service of Venezuela's development, humanity and peace.” This was stated by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, this Monday, May 6, in his Con Maduro+ program, when talking about the recent tour carried out by senior officials of the Bolivarian Government in the Asian giant.

After expressing his support and admiration for the Asian nation's space program, the National President maintained that “China is not going to space to militarize it or fill it with nuclear bombs like the North American empire is doing.”

The Head of State received the reports, from the officials who arrived from the tour, about the work done and plans based on the Asian experience for the country.

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