

National president approves resources to continue the recovery of Christian and Catholic churches

Premiere of the show Maduro de Repente
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 30/05/2024 09:44 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro announced the approval of resources for the recovery of Christian and Catholic churches in the country, as part of the Venezuela Bella Mission.

From his program With Maduro de Repente, which premiered this Thursday, May 30 on Radio Miraflores, the Head of State explained that to date, 3,565 churches have been repaired in the country with rehabilitation and refraction of their structures and equipment.

He stated that the approved resources will be used for “the rehabilitation, restoration, beautification, equipping of churches, temples and parish houses in the national territory.”

The My Well-Equipped Church plan was born in January 2023 with the purpose of carrying out the restoration and beautification of temples and parish houses in the national territory, through the Venezuela Bella Mission.

“So that parishioners have decent spaces where they can develop their faith in the encounter with God, I entrust the great Venezuela Bella Mission with broad and accelerated, profound development,” President Maduro explained when announcing his creation.

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