

National Parliament will approve the Essequibo Act this Thursday

Regular Session of the AN
AN Press

Published at: 20/03/2024 09:36 AM

The National Parliament will approve the Organic Bill for the Defense of the Essequibo next Thursday, March 21. This was announced by the president of the Legislative Branch, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez (PSUV/Dtto. Capital), during the regular session this Tuesday.

He recalled that the National Assembly (LAN) has the mandate to enact this law because on December 3 the people voted yes five times to the defense of Guiana Essequiba.

Rodríguez asked the assembly members to sanction and approve the law, present it to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to review its constitutionality, and then hand it over to the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who will enact it to the Venezuelan people.

During the debate of the second discussion, the member of the Permanent Committee on Domestic Policy, Deputy Carolina García Carreño (PSUV/Lara), requested to defer with the approval of 25 articles of the law, which was approved in the first discussion and with parliamentary urgency on December 6, 2023.

The purpose of this rule is to establish a set of means and mechanisms aimed at defending the territory of Guiana Essequiba, ignoring the arbitral award of 1899, with the purpose of ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.