

National leader: Venezuela today is self-sufficient by domestic production

The head of state called on the world's investors to “invest and produce”

Published at: 02/02/2024 06:06 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the Bolivarian Government, through its efforts to promote the Simon Bolivar National Project, has achieved that “Venezuela today is supplied by national production”.

He maintained that he will continue to act for “food security and sovereignty”, for the benefit and protection of the Venezuelan people.

The statement was made by President Maduro, at the Polyhedron of Caracas, where he led the ceremony to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution and launch of the Great Young Venezuela Mission.

In this area, he stated that “one of the great goals of our Commander Hugo Chávez was to convert port agriculture into sovereign agriculture, “committed to the Simon Bolivar National Project, we have achieved it,” he reiterated.

He also called on investors around the world to “invest and produce”.

For his part, among the advances in production, the Minister for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, highlighted that egg production in the country averages 9 billion units per year.

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