

National leader: Venezuela is much bigger than that recalcitrant right wing

Head of State in a new With Maduro +
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 27/05/2024 08:17 PM

Venezuela is much bigger than that recalcitrant right, it has wonderful sectors that have emerged in the heat of these years of struggle.”

This was stated in his program With Maduro+, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, where he added that “there is a new Venezuela, with a new identity, more proactive, persevering, constructive and innovative.”

When asked by the political scientist and communicator invited to the program, Juan Carlos Monedero, about his intention to convene a major national dialogue after the presidential election, the head of state reiterated his commitment.

“I am going to summon a country that is much larger than that tiny group that only hates and they will have to submit to the dictates of the Constitution, to the decision that the People are going to take on July 28 and respect it,” he said.

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