

National leader: The 1x10 is the secret weapon to win the 28J election

A New With Maduro +
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 27/05/2024 09:04 PM

This Monday, May 27, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro stated that “the 1x10 is the secret weapon to win the July 28 election.”

In his program With Maduro+, the Head of State commented on the incidents of the march registered in the past few days in the state of Amazonas in support of the Revolution.

“It was impressive and filled miles and miles of territory. The people of Amazonas came out to tell fascism they won't happen!” , highlighted and added that “no one knows what happened in Amazonas because social networks are in their hands (the empire)”.

The First National President stated that the People and the revolutionary militancy have three major tasks in the face of 28J.

“We must strive to keep the people informed, aware, mobilized and in the streets, because the streets belong to the people, not to the surnames!” , he said.

He added that in view of the upcoming election of July 28, “we must prepare very well the indigenous 1x10 in every community, street and every UBCH. We are winning, but we must guarantee the victory with the 1x10 with the organized, motivated and mobilized people”.

He pointed out that the most important thing is to win the communication battle. “We have to go from the local to the macro. From the streets, jump to WhatsApp, to the media and to walls, trees with art, aesthetics and Radio Bemba”.

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