

National leader on Piedad Córdoba: For Piedad we will continue in battle!

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 22/01/2024 07:55 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, reiterated his regret over the physical departure of Senator Piedad Córdoba, who left last Saturday in the city of Medellín, Colombia, as a result of a health complication.

“Piedad leaves and leaves a gigantic legacy to progressive, Bolivarian and revolutionary movements in Colombia, throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Piedad is a symbol of black, feminist, fighter, Bolivarian women, we could say that she was a great Bolivarian Colombian woman and also a Chavista woman. For Piedad we will continue in battle!” , stressed the President.

During her Con Maduro+ program , she offered heartfelt words of farewell to what she described as a “great revolutionary, fighter, fervent defender of Human Rights and People's Peace”.

“Despite facing great threats, her morals prevailed and that strength to move forward in the face of any difficulty (...) Her love for her beloved Colombia was immense,” he recalled.

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