

National leader: BRICS arrived in Venezuela with petrochemical and steel investments

“It's not that we're going, it's that we're already here, we're special guests of the BRICS,” said the head of state

Published at: 26/07/2024 11:06 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that Venezuela is technically already part of the BRICS block, which is an economic, political and social alliance made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

In that sense, he said that “I would tell you that today we are already part of the BRICS, what is needed is for them to give us the title, as full members”.

“It's not that we're going, it's that we're already here, we're special guests from the BRICS, who are arguing to see what status they're going to give to new countries,” he explained.

He stated that “the truth is that the BRICS have already arrived in Venezuela with investments in petrochemicals, in SIDOR, in VENALUM, they have their technology, and the BRICS have already opened their markets to Venezuela.”

“A market of three billion people,” he said from the Ayacucho Hall of the Miraflores Palace, during the TikTok Live broadcast.

On the other hand, he commented that the United States, this Friday, July 26, disconnected from the SWIFT System “all airports, except Venezuela, because they disconnected us five years ago.”

“It's incredible that the United States controls the travel systems of every airport and plane in the world. Venezuela is free,” he said.

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