

National Institute of Urban Lands awards 668 titles in Anzoátegui

The institution's goal is to make effective entity-wide awards
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 03/02/2024 07:06 PM

The National Institute of Urban Lands (INTU) granted 668 titles to an equal number of families in the municipalities of Bolívar, Guanipa, Independencia and Anaco in the state of Anzoátegui.

The regional director of the institute, Daniel Cordero, indicated that in the state the projection is to grant more than 8,800 instruments in 2024. He explained that in this first installment of the year, in four simultaneous acts, ownership was granted to 268 families in the Bolívar municipality, 150 for Independencia and Guanipa and another 100 titles in Guanta.

In a press release from the institution, Cordero explained that they are directing the work to activate municipal technical offices, instances that will contribute to achieving and exceeding the established annual goal, in addition to “ promoting this social policy, to vindicate the people”. In the state, there are 691 land committees formed, each of which groups between 200 and 400 homes, and they are designing strategies to explore the entire region and reactivate them.

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