

National Government handed over Order of Liberators and Liberators of Venezuela to relatives of Piedad Córdoba

In the Constitution Hall of the Colombian Congress in Bogotá, a tribute is made in the present body to Senator Piedad Córdoba

Published at: 22/01/2024 06:03 PM

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, this Monday, January 22, a Venezuelan delegation traveled to Bogotá, Colombia, in order to hand over to the families of Senator Piedad Córdoba, of the Order of Liberators and Liberators of Venezuela, together with the Victorious Saber of Carabobo.

The information was provided by the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, in his account on the social network X, in which he pointed out that in addition to his person, the Venezuelan delegation that participated in the funerals of the Colombian political leader was composed of the Minister of Popular Power for Labor, Francisco Torrealb; the deputies to the National Assembly (AN), Tania Díaz, Carolys Pérez, members of the National Directorate of United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and Patricia Villegas, president of the Telesur television channel.

In his message, Villegas said that “I had the honor of reading and recording a heartfelt autograph communication from the Head of State addressed to his mother, sons and daughters”.

From the Constitution Hall of the Colombian Congress in Bogotá, a tribute is made in the present body to Senator Piedad Córdoba, who died last Saturday.

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