

National Executive: 2023 was a good year of learning and advancement

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo: AN Press

Published at: 15/01/2024 01:58 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured this Monday that 2023 “was a good year of progress, of goals achieved and of much learning to refine the methods of the path to prosperity and well-being.”

In this regard, during the Presentation of the Annual Message to the Nation, he reaffirmed that the Bolivarian Revolution will continue to build this path of prosperity and well-being together with the People until it achieves it.

“We will achieve it together, in national union, transforming and changing everything that needs to be transformed, founding and creating everything that needs to be created,” he said, reaffirming that 2023 was a year of great learning, despite the obstacles that presented itself.

He stressed that 2023 was also a year of transition “in which we should maintain and progressively improve the standards achieved through a lot of sacrifice and effort”, in the midst of the blockade and the sanctions imposed by North American imperialism.

For this reason, he stated that 2023 was one of the most complex, laborious and demanding years, “perhaps because it was the third consecutive year of recovery (...) in which we had to maintain our achievements and meet the growing expectations and needs of the People.”

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