

National Assembly honored the 2024 Caribbean Series champions

Regular Session of the AN
ANTV Press

Published at: 20/02/2024 04:14 PM

During the regular session this Tuesday, the National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the Draft Agreement in Celebration and Congratulations to the Tiburones de la Guaira team for being crowned Champions of the Miami 2024 Caribbean Series representing the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

With great joy, the deputies received in the Chamber of Sessions the players and coaching staff of Los Tiburones, who left the national tricolor high.

“The National Assembly accompanied with deep love, enthusiasm and admiration the feat you carried out in the Caribbean Series in the United States,” said the President of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez.

For his part, the deputy José Gregorio Correa stressed that the triumph of these young Venezuelans was due to the unity and coupling that the only objective was to win the victory for all of Venezuela.

“To be champions of the Caribbean is to be the flag and to be the Venezuelan anthem is something that we are proud of,” he emphasized.

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