

National Assembly Deputies Present Special Law to Promote Values in Public Spaces

Law seeks places free of sound and visual pollution, as well as peaceful and harmonious coexistence
AN Press

Published at: 14/03/2024 05:31 PM

During the presentation of the Special Bill to Promote Values in Public Spaces, they reported that labeling or warning signs in places of common use, to defend the human rights of children and adolescents, in a healthy environment are essential for this regulation to have a positive effect on society, according to the member of the Subcommittee on Education, Deputy Carlos Sierra.

The parliamentarian explained that the purpose of labeling is to guarantee the right to common places free of sound and visual pollution, as well as the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of people who travel to all corners of the country, in addition to ensuring the dissemination of information and images appropriate to humanist values for mental health.

“Just as there is a label of no smoking, no biopolymers, no weapons, there must also be one where all types of public are served and values are promoted in all spaces,” he said. He said that the initiative is inspired by his book, “With what moral? Ethics and values for the new era”, whose text proposes the establishment of fines and sanctions for those who do not promote human ideals for mental health.

The new legal instrument is prepositional and has 19 articles, 4 chapters and seeks to promote the Brigades for the Promotion and Promotion of Values in Schools, Universities and Public Spaces to combat anti-values and strengthen national identity.

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