

National Assembly congratulated Vladimir Putin on his re-election as President of Russia

The AN will send a copy of the document to the Duma of the Russian Federation
AN Press

Published at: 19/03/2024 08:07 PM

The National Assembly (AN) sent its congratulations to the President of the Federative Republic of Russia, Vladimir Putin, after being resoundingly re-elected as president of his country.

During the regular session held this Tuesday, March 19, the Plenary approved a draft agreement, on which the president of the AN, Jorge Rodríguez requested that a copy of the document be sent to the Duma of the Russian Federation.

Deputy Roy Daza, who presented the draft agreement, indicated that the Russian elections were a focus point because it is a country with a large territorial and population extension, according to a press release published on the AN website.

“This victory has to do with four elements, the leadership of Vladimir Putin, which represents the unity of the Russian nation, with which this political leadership has made it possible that the policy of sanctions, the economic aggression against Russia, has been overcome by the efforts of Russian workers, by the strength of democracy, and that President Putin has been the main architect of political leadership, of having removed Russia from where he placed it politics neoliberal that led that country to destruction,” he said.

The Agreement, in salute to the President of the Federative Republic of Russia, Vladimir Putin, for his resounding re-election, reiterated the ties of cooperation and mutual respect that exist between the parliamentary Governments and the People of Venezuela and Russia, where the will of the Caribbean country to work closely together to build a multipolar and multicentric world was emphasized.

It also proposes to express the will of the Parliament to deepen the strategic nature between the two countries and to publish the document in the official gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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