

Ñáñez: The aggression against Venezuela never ceases to outrage us (+Borges)

Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez
Internet photo

Published at: 10/02/2024 05:07 PM

Through the social network X, the sectoral vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, denounced that the stateless right continues its vile aggression against Venezuela.

“The aggression against Venezuela never ceases to outrage us, but we are sure that justice will come to them sooner rather than later,” said Ñáñez, referring to the recent statements of the murderer Julio Borges, who calls for more “international pressure” against the Homeland.

In addition, he stressed that at this point it can be a secret for no one that “Julio Borges and the elite of the last names were responsible for the blockade and economic aggression against all Venezuelans”.

He recalled that because of the sanctions, requested by the recalcitrant extreme right, Venezuela has suffered multiple attacks and an economic blockade, which has prevented many Venezuelans from having access to medicines; it also encouraged migration to flee the effects of medicines.

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