

Ñáñez on threats from Guyana: We reject them, denounce them and face them with the truth

Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez
Internet photo

Published at: 11/02/2024 04:22 PM

Through the social network X, the Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, stated that the threats from Guyana, Venezuela will continue to denounce, reject and face the truth.

“All propaganda actions undertaken from this country must be read as threats from a colonialist economic power. We denounce it, we reject it and in absolute national unity we face it with the truth,” Ñáñez wrote on the social network this Sunday.

In this regard, he stressed that Guyana is governed by Exxon Mobil; and that is why it is carrying out a media campaign to discredit the constitutional obligation of the Venezuelan State to establish a comprehensive policy, in land, island and maritime border areas, to preserve, through the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, its territorial integrity, national sovereignty and the defense of the Homeland.

In addition, he stressed that after CNN's fake news about the alleged accumulation of Venezuelan troops on the border with Guyana, it was predictable that this would continue in his script.

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