

Ñáñez: NGOs use their narrative to ignore the country's laws

Sectorial Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez
Internet photo

Published at: 13/02/2024 12:12 PM

Through the social network X, the sector vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, denounced how shamelessly Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), such as Provea and Amnesty International, use their narrative to ignore the country's laws.

“That @amnistia, @_Provea and their NGOs associated with the State Department show automatic solidarity with those who are investigated for crimes against the constitutional order in Venezuela is not a new thing. What if it is an assassination attempt that is being investigated? His apology will be much more vehement! However, the shameless narrative with which they intend to ignore the laws of a country and the legitimacy of a sovereign state never ceases to amaze,” Ñáñez wrote on the social network this Tuesday.

In that sense, he emphasized that the role that these organizations paid for by imperialism play in the country is no longer a secret to anyone. “By now everyone knows that you have always been part of the strategy to isolate and sanction Venezuela,” he said.

It should be noted that the opposition and NGOs have come out to speak out for the arrest of citizen Rocío del Carmen San Miguel Sosa, who maintains an arrest warrant against her for allegedly being linked to and referenced in the conspiracy and attempted assassination plot called “White Bracelet”.

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