

Nahum Fernández: Three criminals who infiltrated the march with explosive devices were captured

Great march in support of the registration of the people's candidate Nicolás Maduro before the National Electoral Council (CNE).
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 25/03/2024 01:32 PM

The vice-president of Mobilization and Events of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and Head of Government of Caracas, Nahum Fernández, reported that three criminals were captured, who were infiltrated in the mobilization taking place in the capital city, in support of the registration of the People's candidate, Nicolás Maduro, before the National Electoral Council (CNE).

“I announce to the media that we have just arrested three individuals who were planning to sabotage and generate violence on this glorious day,” Fernández said.

Fernández explained that one of the subjects was involved in the rally in Plaza Diego Ibarra, the other was on Bolivar Avenue and the other was on the march that started from CANTV, “they had an artifact to throw at President Maduro, an act that we repudiate and denounce to the world.”

“That's the right that doesn't have a people, that doesn't have votes and that knows it's going to lose. We are not going to take the path of violence, we as a people are going to accompany Nicolás Maduro with peace,” said Fernández.

He also stated that he hopes that justice will be done and that intellectual actors will be captured.

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