

MP announces new arrest of lawyer linked to White Bracelet conspiracy

Attorney General of the Republic reported from the social network X
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 11/02/2024 06:36 PM

The Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, reported that the Public Ministry carried out the arrest of citizen Rocío del Carmen San Miguel Sosa, who maintained an arrest warrant against her for allegedly being linked to and referenced in the conspiracy and attempted assassination plot called “White Bracelet”.

From the social network X, Saab explained that the purpose of the conspiracy for which San Miguel was arrested
“was an attempt on the life of the Head of State Nicolas Maduro and other senior officials; as well as the attack on several military units in San Cristóbal (Tachira) and other entities of the country”

He added that the investigations are continuing to gather evidence of conviction from people related to these serious events inside and outside the country:

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