

More than 600 organizations demand that the United States lift illegal sanctions against Venezuela

Unilateral coercive measures have led to the violation of human rights

Published at: 06/02/2024 08:28 AM

The so-called sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the United States government, in addition to generating a migratory crisis in the nation and representing a flagrant violation of human rights, have aroused the repudiation of multiple organizations.

In this regard, this Monday more than 604 organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean published a letter this Monday addressed to President Joe Biden, to demand the cessation of unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela.

According to the publication of a well-known national newspaper, among the signatories are the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America (ALBA), Movements and the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), from Brazil; the Continental Latin American and Caribbean Student Organization (OCLAE), the Argentine League for Human Rights and its counterpart from Mexico and Tunisia.

The signatories call on the U.S. government to resume the paths of dialogue, peace and “mutual respect between nations”, while assuring that these nations can build a relationship without aggression.

“As defenders of human rights and justice, we consider it imperative that a thorough and impartial investigation be conducted into the participation of U.S. agents in these acts,” the letter states.

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