

More than 60% of the electoral records of 28J have been transcribed by the Supreme Court

Works are taking their course
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Published at: 17/08/2024 08:02 PM

By the night of this Saturday, August 17, more than 60% of the voting records from the electoral process of July 28 have been transcribed by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

The workers of the Supreme Court continue with the technical expertise of the minutes and other electoral material presented as evidence and evidence by the parties at a public hearing of the Contentious Electoral Resource. Namely, the minutes delivered last August 8 for the investigation aimed at the electoral ruling of July 28 have already been transcribed.

As is known, once the transcription of the minutes is completed, the electoral experts, specialists and experts who accompany the work will carry out an analysis of the results to verify the trends of the organizations for political purposes that participated in the electoral contest of last July 28. In addition, once 100% of the minutes have been transcribed, they will be validated in the database of the national totalization centers of the National Electoral Council (CNE).

This phase will make it possible to verify the correspondence of the data that is in the public minutes and those that were transmitted by the voting machines. The expert report will allow the electoral chamber to issue a verdict on the contentious appeal requested by the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro Moros.

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