

More than 400 ophthalmic surgeries in the 2024 Surgical Plan in the state of Zulia

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People

Published at: 18/05/2024 10:13 AM

The Social Welfare and Welfare Institute for Staff of the Ministry of Education (IPASME), in the state of Zulia, in partnership with the Misión Milagro Foundation, has performed more than 400 surgeries for cataracts and pterygium, in connection with the 2024 Ophthalmological Surgical Plan.

This action is part of the national government's commitment to guarantee the welfare and social protection of the workers of the Ministry of People's Power for Education.

The vice-president of IPASME, Nohemí Marcano, highlighted the work being carried out in the state of Zulia. “We have treated more than 2,500 patients with cataracts and pterygium in the region (...) Of these, 400 have already been successfully operated on, and we continue to provide comprehensive care before and after the interventions.”

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