

More than 2500 men and women from the FANB remain deployed in Bolívar

The FANB remains deployed fighting illegal mining in our national parks
Photo: @Dhernandezlarez

Published at: 13/03/2024 02:39 PM

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) has deployed more than 2,500 soldiers in the state of Bolivar to combat environmental depredation and illegal mining, said the Strategic Operational Commander, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez.

Through a message published in his X account, the senior military officer explained that these uniformed personnel have, within the framework of Operation Roraima 2024, the task of protecting our national parks, forest reserves and hydrographic basins.

“Our laws promote the principles and criteria for harmony in the management and use of natural resources in order to protect the environment, in order to achieve the objectives of sustainable development,” he said.

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