

More than 200,000 people in Caracas will benefit from works of the 2024 Territorial Action Plan

46 projects that benefited more than 80,000 families from more than 11 parishes in Caracas

Published at: 25/03/2024 05:06 PM

More than 100,000 inhabitants of the capital city during 2023 and more than 200,000 in 2024, will be served by the Permanent Commission on Venezuelan Living Infrastructure and Urbanism of the Caracas City Council (CMC), which is already implementing the fourth cycle of the Territorial Action Plan, with more than 60 projects in the main communes of the city.

This was stated by Jesús García, president of the aforementioned Commission during accountability, organized in the CMC Sessions Hall, located in the Bolivarian Libertador municipality, in Caraca, where he specified that in 2024, young people will begin repairing sports fields, through the Great Venezuela Youth Mission.

Councilman García assured that the Territorial Action Plan, which promotes this commission through the different articulations it makes with its work teams, executed, last year, in three cycles, 46 projects that benefited more than 80,000 families from more than 11 parishes in Caracas, which were selected through a popular consultation carried out with more than 18,000 people, hand in hand with the municipal councils and communes of the municipality.

He explained that among the approved projects are: waterproofing; road repair; lighting; facades, packaging; repairs to walls, courts, communal houses, medical offices and improvement of the drinking water system, among others, carried out by the People's Power, thanks to the support of President Nicolás Maduro, the head of Government Nahúm Fernández and the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez.

“We recovered 11 mini courts in different sectors of the city, specifically in eight parishes, we also made high-impact murals, and we served 134 families with social assistance, with the delivery of construction materials and technical aids for housing repair,” he added.

He added that special zoning plans are working in the legislative area in the city of Caracas, in which 80% have advanced in the parish of El Paraíso.

“This special plan seeks to update the zoning of this parish, which has undergone significant changes in recent years and merits cartographic updating,” he said.

In this regard, he highlighted the zoning work of Santa Mónica, in the parish of San Pedro, which reached 60% of progress. He also indicated that in La Florida, in El Recreo, the Directorate of Urban Planning and the Directorate of Urban Control are also making progress in zoning.

“It is a work that we have been doing as a team, it is very important for the city because it updates the legislation on zoning for these parishes that have undergone the greatest amount of urban changes,” he stressed.

García, highlighted during the accountability, four important ordinances that were built during that period, which are about to be approved in 2024, including architecture, urban planning and construction in general.

He added that these are very important ordinances for the municipality, since they will regulate architecture and constructions carried out in the city of Caracas.

Another of them is the ordinance for the construction of earthquake resistant buildings, “this is the one that regulates and generates the legal and technical framework regarding constructions in the event of a seismic event; it is an ordinance that adapts to new global and specifically national standards in the field of anti-earthquake construction in the Bolivarian Libertador municipality of Caracas”.

He also mentioned that another one corresponds to the Fruto Vivas Award, he said that it is a reform so that this prize is also awarded to construction masters, masons from neighborhoods, and communities. “Until now, only architects and engineers were involved, who remain involved, but we want to incorporate our teachers from our neighborhoods.”

García pointed out that they also worked with the ordinance on temporary use for spaces in public and private areas for agri-food activity, in the form of trucks and fairs, because there are trucks in the city that take up a lot of space, without any kind of order.

“We are working to give urban order to truck installations, with an important addition, which is the assignment of powers to organized Popular Power, to communal councils and communes, so that the contribution of microentrepreneurs, micromerchants and merchants is directed to schools, food and shelter houses, as well as to the most vulnerable people in the territories, through the organization of People's Power,” said the spokesman.

It should be noted that this event was attended by the Municipal Trustee of the city of Caracas, as well as the Municipal Comptroller; the CMC's Internal Audit team; the Vice President of the CMC, Councilman Edwin Velázquez, Councilmembers Janeth Díaz and Lesbia Sánchez, as well as a representation of spokeswomen and spokespersons of the municipal councils who benefited from the management and the entire team of the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism of Venezuelan Living.

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