

More than 18,000 CICPC officials signed against the sanctions

Police officials raised their voices against the criminal measures imposed by imperialism on our country
Photo: @mpprijp

Published at: 24/05/2024 03:25 PM

A total of 18,000 officials from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc) placed their rubric to demand that the United States government lift the unilateral coercive measures imposed on our country, said the director of this detective body, C/G Douglas Rico.

“This is a great day where the Venezuelan people celebrate democracy and sovereignty, who say to the government of the American president, Joe Biden, no to sanctions, remove unilateral coercive measures, today we ask, we demand that it be respected, it is a right that we Venezuelans have (...) sovereignty is respected, the criminal sanctions that his government and the previous one imposed on Venezuela,” said Rico.

In the same way, according to a press release from the Ministry of Interior, Justice and Peace, he pointed out that these measures applied by the United States affect the investment of high-tech equipment, which would make it possible to advance the investigation of crime; however, “the Bolivarian Government reinvented a plan of action to re-emerge and continue to prepare us to overcome the blockade.”

On the other hand, he stated that criminal investigation officials continue their preparation through new techniques that have been born from the creativity of police professionals to continue carrying out their functions in favor of security and justice.

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