

More than 10 tons of fish were distributed to families in Petare

Published at: 23/03/2024 10:20 PM

More than 11,000 families in Petare, Sucre municipality in Miranda state, were treated with Operation Venezuela Eat Fish, carried out in Palo Verde and where about 10 tons of fish protein were distributed.

The day was held as part of the national deployment carried out by the central and regional governments during Holy Week, reported the Secretary of Fisheries of the Government, Johan Rodríguez, who stressed that 24 communities in that town were served.

Rodríguez also added that from February 2 to date, 38 Miranda parishes have been favored with the sale of more than 100 tons of marine species such as Cojinúa, catfish, stingray, corocoro, horse mackerel, lamparosa, lisa, salema, shrimp, squid, octopus, mojarra, among others.

“We have installed 276 itinerant points and are ready to meet the demand of the town of Miranda this Major Week, where we will be offering food guarantees throughout the state,” he said.


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