

MONAGAS//Cabello to opposition extremism: If you cross the line, we're going to look for you and we're going to find you

Cabello highlighted the climate of peace that prevails in the country
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 24/02/2024 12:00 PM

“I'm going to tell you so as not to prove it to you, hopefully we don't have to prove it to you, it's better to say it: if you cross the line, if you try to destabilize, if you try again to conspire as you did with the guarimbas, we'll look for you.”

This was emphasized by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, during the swearing in of the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) of the Monagas state, an act that took place this Saturday.

During his speech, Cabello highlighted the climate of peace that prevails in the country after several days of violence reissued by the right wing in its plans to promote the overthrow of the Bolivarian Government.

“We're going to look for them, we're going to find them and we're not going to allow the country to lose one of the things it loves most: peace,” he said.

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