

MONAGAS/Cabello: The Civic-Military-Police Union is the key to advancing Peace

“There must be units capable of moving anywhere,” he urged.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 24/02/2024 11:54 AM

During the swearing in of the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) in Monagas state, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, emphasized the importance of close coordination and cooperation between the organized people, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the country's police force for the defense of the stability and tranquility of the entire Venezuelan territory.

“This Civic-Military-Police Union is the key to advancing peace,” he emphasized to the more than 30,000 members of 1,416 UPPAZ from Monaguense, who he also urged to create groups that are ready to mobilize to other entities if so required.

“Here there must be at least 30 thousand people who are a guarantee of peace throughout the Monagas state, but if things escalate, there must be units capable of moving anywhere (...). I am sure that if in Caracas, which is the establishment of powers, the Revolution needs People for defense, I am sure that the People of Monagas will be there first, I know this because I am from here and I know this people, but we must organize ourselves,” he said.

He pointed out that this Civic-Military-Police Union must serve so that organized people can guarantee surveillance and notification to the authorities of any irregularity in their area.

“If you see a person who brings gasoline to your house in abnormal quantities, and carries rubbers, you should go to your Peace Quadrant and report this irregular situation because no one accumulates gasoline and rubber in their house to plant trees, the one who does it is because they are going to search,” he said.

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