

MONAGAS - TEMBLADOR/Cabello: This Town stands together in the face of attacks

Great March in Support of the National Candidate, Nicolás Maduro, in the town of Temblador
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 11/07/2024 02:00 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, assured that this people are standing and prepared for any battle in the face of attacks by imperialism and its lackeys.

We have been through storms, attacks, sanctions, threats and this people have stood their ground, they have stood firm with intact hope and with faith in a much better future,” Cabello reaffirmed during the Long March in Support of the National Candidate, Nicolás Maduro, in the town of Temblador , capital of the Libertador municipality, state Monagas.

In that regard, he recalled Commander Hugo Chávez, stressing that what is important is “what is to come and what we can achieve together in Revolution.”

He pointed out that the right wing is clear about everything that has been achieved with our political-social project contemplated in the Constitution and the legacy of Commander Chávez, “that is why the attacks, the blockade and the sanctions”.

For this reason, he urged revolutionaries to remain united so that “nothing and no one takes us away from that route, that nothing and no one achieves the objectives of dividing, demotivating or discouraging revolutionary forces.”

“On the contrary, let every attack by imperialism and its lackeys here serve to unite us more and to be prepared for the battles we have to fight,” he said.

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