

MONAGAS - MATURÍN/Nicolás Maduro: This working-class president will never be lacking by the People of the East

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 21/06/2024 03:50 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and candidate of the Homeland, Nicolás Maduro, ratified this Friday the strength of the People of Maturín, in the state of Monagas, which is at the forefront of the defense of the Fatherland heading for the presidential elections of July 28.

“If you talk about the east of the country, you have to talk about Maturín, you have to talk about the fact that here aboriginal peoples, our indigenous peoples, resisted heroically for centuries, with that ancestral force of the Fatherland for the independence of the east of the country, for the independence of Venezuela,” said the Head of State during a massive rally in support of the Bolivarian Revolution.

The People's candidate recalled the first time that Commander Hugo Chávez visited Monagas state after leaving the prison of dignity, in Yare, to be greeted by “the Bolivarian hurricane”.

“You never failed Chávez, you have never left me alone, you have never failed the Fatherland, and I, this worker who is here, the working president, will never fail the People of the East, the people of Maturín,” emphasized the Dignitary.

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