

MONAGAS - MATURÍN /President Maduro recognized the resistance of the people to the attacks of the empire and its lackeys

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo Capture

Published at: 21/06/2024 04:01 PM

This Friday, June 21, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, recognized the people of Venezuela who have resisted and who have worked together with them to move the country forward, despite the aggressions, sanctions and blockades promoted by the United States government and its lackeys.

In this regard, during a Meeting with the People of Monagas, he emphasized that it is the men and women who love this Homeland who have defeated all the attacks and sanctions that are illegally maintained against Venezuela.

He also reaffirmed that the Bolivarian Revolution has always been with the People, unlike the Venezuelan opposition, which has only waged economic war, electric war, has called for sanctions and blockades against the country.

He specified that opposition figures such as Juan Guaidó are the ones who have lent themselves to attack and steal Venezuela's assets. “And who defeated Guaidó's clown? The people united in the streets,” he said.

In addition, he condemned the fact that now those sectors of the opposition come to ask the People to vote, “when they have never been with the People (...) now they show up on their faces to tell lies; but I predict them, they can do what they do, they can shout, kick, but on July 28 in Venezuela they win” the People and Nicolás.

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