

Misión Venezuela Bella advances in the recovery of the UCV campus in Maracay

Plan Universidades Bellas de la Misión Venezuela Bella in action in Maracay

Published at: 24/01/2024 05:43 PM

The Beautiful Universities Plan of the Venezuela Bella Mission is making progress in the recovery of the campus of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), in the city of Maracay, Aragua state.

This was highlighted this Wednesday by the president of the Venezuela Bella Mission, Jacqueline Faria, through her account on the social network where she said that “with , work and perseverance, everything that remained abandoned in this house of studies will be recovered.

Through a video, Faria presented images of the works that have allowed the recovery of laboratories, ceilings, stairs, bathrooms, classrooms, the dining room, outdoor areas and corridors, among other spaces.

In addition to the UCV Maracay, this plan has been developed in other universities such as the National Experimental University of the Western Plains “Ezequiel Zamora” (Unellez), Zulia, Carabobo and Oriente (UDO).
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