

Misión Sonrisa delivered dental prosthesis to patients in Mérida

Care for people living in vulnerable areas
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 21/05/2024 06:48 PM

Through the Smile Mission, the Bolivarian Government delivered 65 dental prostheses to patients in 11 municipalities in the state of Mérida.

The governor of the entity, Jehyson Guzmán, led this first installment, accompanied by interns from the dental mechanics career of the National Experimental Polytechnic University of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (UNEFA).

In this regard, the coordinator of the Sonrisa Mission, Leila Ruíz, added that patients are received daily at the Mérida headquarters, and “we recruit social operations in conjunction with the Barrio Adentro Mission and soon we will receive medical supplies.”

The students who participated are in the last semester of their dental mechanics degree.

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